Windows 10 has been out for about three weeks now. There have been a number of concerns regarding how much of your personal information is shared with and used by Microsoft. Here at Tech 2U, we thought we would take a few minutes to go over the privacy settings with Windows 10, in hopes of shedding some light on privacy concerns.
A popular new feature in Windows 10 is the digital personal assistant known as Cortana. After answering a few questions while setting Cortana up, she makes recommendations to you and sets reminders based on your preferences and calendar. It turns out that everything you say to Cortana is collected and sent to Microsoft. Microsoft also collects your name, nickname, calendar events, and information about your contacts. While they are most likely using this information solely for the purposes of giving you the best user experience possible, we don’t blame you if you feel like your privacy is being invaded a little by this data mining. Thankfully, this can all be disabled in the operating system’s settings.
Tech 2U would be more than happy to help ensure your data is kept private, by configuring all the settings in Windows 10 for you. If you would like to schedule an appointment, give us a call at 1-888-931-0942. We’re here to help!