Continuing on with our summer camp series for your kids, we have ID Tech Camps. ID Tech Camps offer great summer camps for your kids that take place on the Sacramento State campus. The kids will learn programming skills, game design, robotics, and even website design. ID Tech is committed on helping your child learn great skillsΒ that prepare them for their futures. ID boasts that 94% of all their students go on to attend a 4-year college which they credit to how they foster the love of learning to the kids.
ID Tech Camps sets themselves apart by offering overnight camps for students over the age of 10. On top of that, ID teaches all of these cool things to your kids:
- Programming
- Game Design
- Robotic
- Web Design
- Photography
Check out there websiteΒ https://www.idtech.comΒ to sign up and learn more!
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Video Transcription:
Interviewer: …use to keep the kids engaged during the summer is a challenge, but it’s the topic of our Tech Team Kids segment today. Mike Wisby is here with Somer Lowery from iD Tech Camps to show us what they have brewing to keep the kids going. Somer, welcome. I know Mike is a regular guest. It seems like he’s part of the family now. Welcome. So what ideas do you have to keep the kids, to encourage them to keep the mind going?
Somer: Oh, wow. Well, we keep the kids engaged all day. They get about six hours of tech instruction, depending on which course they’re taking. So video game design, programming, robotics, web design, they have several choices. And then we also engage them in fun activities to socialize and get outside a little bit and get to know the campus.
Interviewer: What age are we talking about for the kids?
Somer: At our iD Tech Camp program which is held at Sac State, the kids are age 7 to 17 for that.
Interviewer: Oh, no kidding? Wow. So Mike, what’s Tech 2U’s role in all this?
Mike: Again, we’re just promoting these great camps for kids during the summer. Really, I heard a statistic that 94% of attendees at this camp actually go ahead and get a 4 year college degree, so that’s really good. We really want to encourage that and get kids ready for college and ready for their tech careers ahead of them.
Interviewer: So Somer, these camps, do they run for an entire month? Do they go week to week? How do the kids…What are they looking at?
Somer: Right. Kids sign up for a one week session. They choose a course, they’ll focus on a course, create a project for that course that they can take home. And at Sac State we have about eight different sessions, so we run for eight weeks there during the summer, starting in mid-June.
Interviewer: Now there’s an overnight camp, too?
Somer: Yes. So they stay in the dorms and…
Interviewer: Like the big kids?
Somer: …eat in the dining hall and, yeah, they get the…
Interviewer: Oh, dining hall food?
Somer: …college experience, yes.
Interviewer: Awesome, wow.
Somer: It’s exciting if you’re 10.
Interviewer: Oh, absolutely. Are you kidding me? It’s like you’re eating with all the college kids and all that kind of stuff.
Somer: Yeah.
Interviewer: So where did the genesis, Mike, come from this? I know Tech 2U is involved in all this. Were you hearing about a need from parents like me where the kids for, say, August, they’re sitting around going, “What are we doing today?” It’s like, “There you go.”
Mike: A lot of our customers, they have kids and we were fixing the computers that the kids broke. So we were like, “How are we gonna make sure that these parents can do something in the summer with their kids and perhaps get them to learn some tech skills?” And these summer camps, we just did some research and there were so many of them in the area. And iD Camps is a great example of ages from 7 through 17 did you say?
Somer: Mm-hmm.
Mike: So the previous camps we were focusing with kind of the younger kids, getting them in early, playing with Legos. But this shows you that they can really develop them through the teenage years as well.
Interviewer: So Somer, do you have a website with all the information?
Somer: We do. It’s and you can find out about all of our courses. We have locations all over the country and right here in Sacramento at Sacramento State.
Interviewer: That’s great. And when does it began? When does the summer camp…?
Somer: June 13th I believe is our first session at Sac State.
Interviewer: Wow, you’re getting right after it. The kids are not even…They walk right from their school classroom right into yours. And there’s…
Somer: Pretty much.
Interviewer: …the information. I know the Sacramento Unified, their last day of school, I think, is June 16th, so maybe they’ll be joining your class in progress. And about the video again?
Somer: Yes. So we were showing…These are unity projects. So unity is one of our courses. It’s a 3D game design course. It’s very popular. And basically these are some examples of student projects and in this course they use Unity and they also use C#, so they’re getting game design skills and coding skills when they’re doing this course.
Interviewer: Mike, you’ve got to look at the kids today and just go, “Wow, they’re so much more advanced.” Maybe they would like a job at Tech 2U. Hopefully it’s not your job.
Mike: Yeah, it might be my job.
Interviewer: That’s good. Thank you for doing that, Somer. Mike, always good to see you. Mike, when will we see you again?
Mike: You’ll see me on Wednesday.
Interviewer: Wednesday, all right. Wednesday, the usual Tech 2U slot here on ABC 10. Thank you both and happy robot building. Amy, over to you.
Amy: You should just pitch a tent here because you’re here so often.
Interviewer: He is. He’s part of the fam.
Amy: You are. You are…